Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Haylee

Although Haylee won't officially be 1
until tomorrow, we are traveling for Christmas
so I wanted to blog today....
Haylee's 1st year of life has flown by!
Christian and I can't believe how much
she has changed and what a happy daughter
we have. We are so thankful to have her in our
lives everyday and can't imagine our lives without
her. Haylee is such a joy and blessing to us and we
love teaching her new things, spoiling her with
hugs and kisses and listening to her sweet giggles!
Happy Birthday Haylee Elizabeth!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ornament Time!

Christian had graciously
assembled our tree on Sunday and after
passing by a blank tree for 2 days, it was time
to decorate. Haylee loves Christmas trees and
loved learning how to hang ornaments before
bedtime. (she even sported her ornament PJs!)
Nana bought her a fun train that adorns the bottom
of the tree too....secretly I think Chris enjoys the train
more than Haylee. Below are just a few pics I
took before my camera battery died.
Happy Holidays!