So, Chris had his Achilles Tendon repair surgery
on Monday. He did really well with the anesthesia,
surgery, and is tolerating the pain meds well....
Surgery was the 1st step to his long
road to recovery. He is now in a temporary splint
right now until his post-op follow up appt next Tuesday.
Then they will cut away the bandage and look at the
wound for the 1st time. If everything looks good they
plan to put him back in the airboot for 3-4 months &
he will have to use crutches. No weight can be put on
the repaired tendon for a long time. Physical Therapy
will start later on and if everything goes well the
surgeon will hopefully have Chris walking
"normal" again in 6 months! No sports for
about 9-12 months. I want to end with sending a
special thanks to my MIL who drove up from AR
to spend the week with Chris while I am at work.
Special thanks to my parents to bring meals and
installing a new shower head so he can shower without
getting the splint wet. And of course, many thanks
to all the wonderful friends & family Chris and I have
who have sent encouraging words & thoughtful messages to us
during this stressful time!!!