Sunday, May 31, 2009

Carefree weekend

It is so nice to have nothing planned on the weekend!
No out-of-town trips, no appointments, etc. This past
weekend was one of those care-free weekends!
Here are some fun, random pictures that captured
our random adventures!
Finding Haylee and Chris asleep when I returned
upstairs from folding laundry in the basement.

Miss Haylee's 1st time in her stroller
being strapped in without her carseat!

Mommy & Haylee returning from
a walk around the neighborhood
on Saturday afternoon while Daddy
cut the grass!

Haylee loves taking walks. She really
is amazed by everything she sees!
(and usually falls asleep after the 1st 10 minutes
of the walk!)

Today after church...Little Miss roly poly!
She has gotten really good at flipping
herself over from back to tummy in the
crib after nap time

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Sweet picture of Chris and Haylee sleeping!